Monday, July 25, 2016

The Bleeding Edge: 7/25/2016

This is a week during which most of the events received advance coverage. The Fifteenth Annual Outsound New Music Summit began yesterday afternoon and will continue through Saturday evening, while Embodied Architectures, a four-set program presented by the Soundwave ((7)) Biennial, will take place on Friday evening at Grace Cathedral. Nevertheless, there are always alternatives. This time they are all confined to Saturday as follows:

Saturday, July 30, 8 p.m., Amado’s: Amado’s is the new occupant of the venue that used to be Viracocha. Their logo describes their offerings as “Tailor | Cobbler | Live Music | Theater.” The ground-level space was demolished and completely reworked, but the basement performance space was left intact. The Web site is still pretty spare, but the events calendar is up and running. This particular show will celebrate the release of two records. The first of these is Archipelago, featuring Melody Parker leading a large ensemble, whose members will include Elise Cumberland, Sara Heron, Sabrina Santiago, Cory Wright, Phillip Greenlief, Theo Padouvas, Greg Stephens, Vic Wong, Mark Allen-Piccolo, Tim DeCillis, Robert Lopez, Nate Brenner, Jon Hirahara, and probably others. The second is Left From Here, songs by Allen-Piccolo. The program will open with a set of songs by Meredith Axelrod.

Amado’s is located at 998 Valencia Street, on the northwest corner of 21st Street. Tickets will be $17 if purchased at the door but only $15 if bought in advance. Advance purchase may be made online through a Brown Paper Tickets event page. Only cash will be accepted at the door. Doors will open at 7 p.m.

Saturday, July 30, 8 p.m., Turquoise Yantra Grotto: Phil Dadson is visiting from New Zealand. In 1969 he was a founding member of Cornelius Cardew’s Scratch Orchestra; and he formed his own group, From Scratch, in 1974. He will be performing with “Friends” on this occasion. He will share the program with instrument inventor Dan Gottwald, who will be playing with the Analegous Ensemble.

This will be the latest installment in the house concert series at the Turquoise Yantra Grotto. The venue is located  at 32 Turquoise Way. Admission is between $10 and $15.

Saturday, July 30, 8 p.m., Center for New Music (C4NM): The Opus Project is the product of the Ritual Art Troupe working in conjunction with Mark Alburger, Music Director of the SF Composers Chamber Orchestra. The basic idea is to prepare multimedia events that focus on the works of both classical and recent composers, all of which share the same opus number. The objective is to cast as wide a net as possible, which means that most of the performances involve excerpts. The opus number for this particular concert is 43. The performers will include sopranos Jill Wagoner and Anne Hepburn Smith, pianists Hussein Al-Naswari and Feona Lee Jones, the Opus Project Wind Quintet, and the Opus Project Orchestra, some of whom may be seen in this photograph:

Members of the Opus Project Orchestra, courtesy of the Center for New Music

The composers for this program will include Johann Sebastian Bach, Edward Elgar, Gabriel Pierné, Carl Nielsen, Jean Sibelius, Ferruccio Busoni, Ede Poldini, Albert Roussel, Vítězslav Novák, Florent Schmitt, Louis Vierne, Paul Juon, Alexander Scriabin, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Max Reger, Arnold Schoenberg, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Darius Milhaud, Paul Hindemith, Aaron Copland, Dmitri Shostakovich, Samuel Barber, Alan Hovhaness, Benjamin Britten, George Crumb, Stardust, and Alburger himself. There will also be a new work by Michael Stubblefield.

C4NM is located at 55 Taylor Street, about half a block north of where Golden Gate Avenue meets Market Street. General admission will be $15 with a $10 rate for C4NM. Tickets will be available only at the door.

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