Thursday, July 26, 2018

Center for New Music: September, 2018

As of this writing, only two events for the month of September have shown up on Calendar Web page for the Center for New Music (C4NM). However, since this site has begun to take stock of how various performing arts groups are in the process of launching the new season, it seemed fair to create a “placeholder” for C4NM, which can be updated as further information surfaces. As usual, I shall use my Facebook shadow site to put out the word whenever such updates take place.

C4NM is located at 55 Taylor Street, half a block north of the Golden Gate Theater, which is where Golden Gate Avenue meets Market Street. All tickets may be purchased in advance through a Vendini event page. Hyperlinks to the appropriate Web pages will be attached to each of the dates in the following summary:

[added 9/5, 6:05 a.m.:

Sunday, September 9, 7 p.m.: C4NM will host the latest production by Erling Wold Fabrications. The Great Debate Cabaret will interpret the divisiveness of this election year as a theater piece described as “Subtext Wrestling Match/Genderbending wrestling love orgy.” Wold himself will serve as master of ceremonies, Hadley McCarroll will be the Master, and Nikola Prinz and Laura Bohn will be the contestants. Musical selections will be appropriately eclectic. Admission will be $15 for general admission and $10 for C4NM members.]

[updated 9/7, 12:55 p.m.: This performance has been postponed.

[added 8/11, 9:05 a.m.:

Friday, September 14, 8 p.m.: Unless I am mistaken, this will be the first program in a new series curated by Glenda Bates entitled the Crossing Over Series. The intent seems to be to explore the domain of through-composed music that provides room for improvisation in an effort to hybridize the relation between classical and jazz performance practices. This initial concert will be a recital by the Current Vibrant duo, whose members are Eldad Tarmu on vibraphone and Bates on oboe. All of the compositions on the program will be by Tarmu. Admission will be $15 for general admission and $10 for C4NM members.]]

Saturday, September 15, 7:30 p.m.: THE BOSCO SERIES: Experimental Sonic and Immersive Multimedia Productions is the “umbrella organization” for presenting the works of composer Charles Xavier. With a (presumably) playful nod to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Xavier calls himself “The Xman.” In addition to composing, he is a percussionist and a performer of electronic music. He leads an ensemble called Charles Xavier’s Cow Walk Orchestra, which is actually a combo whose other members are trumpeter Clifford Brown III and Matt Montgomery alternating between guitar and violin. His compositions involve electronica explorations, the percussive arts, jazz improvisations, audio effects, ambience, and spoken word narratives. Admission will be $15 for general admission, $10 for C4NM members, and $5 for students.

[added 8/15, 7:50 a.m.:

Thursday, September 20, 6:30 p.m.: C4NM will host a special benefit concert to be given by the Thumbscrew trio of Mary Halvorson on guitar, Michael Formanek on drums, and Tomas Fujiwara on bass. Readers with some history on this site may recall that Halvorson was one of the three guitarists in Err Guitar, an album of free improvisation for three guitars recorded by Elliott Sharp for Intakt Records. (Sharp was one of the other guitarists, and Marc Ribot was the third.) Thumbscrew works from original compositions with all three members serving as composers. The performance will begin at 8 p.m., preceded by a reception hosted by the C4NM Board of Directors, which will begin at 6:30 p.m. Admission will be $45, and the charge for C4NM members will be $20.

[added 8/21, 1:35 p.m.:

Friday, September 21, 8 p.m.: Dirt and Copper is an emerging Bay Area collective dedicated to the performance of radical new music. Members Tony Gennaro (percussion), John Ivers (clarinets), Michelle Lee (flutes), Matt Robidoux (guitars and doodads), and Golnaz Shariatzadeh (violin). The program will present a composition by each of these five performers. The concert will also feature works by Julie Herndon and Hunter Long. Admission will be $15 for general admission and $10 for C4NM members, although no one will be turned away for lack of funds.]

Wednesday, September 26, 8 p.m.: Live Cinema will be a two-part evening of visual and sonic experiments and environments. The two sets will be taken, respectively, by the Thingamajigs Performance Group and viDEO sAVant. The Thingamajigs performers will be Dylan Bolles (flutes, strings, and voice), Keith Evans (projections), Suki O’Kane (percussion, strings, and electronics), and Edward Schocker (reeds, strings, and glass). viDEO sAVant brings video artist Charles Woodman together with duo B., the improvising ensemble consisting of percussionist Jason Levis and bassist Lisa Mezzacappa. Admission will be $15 for general admission and $10 for C4NM members.]

Saturday, September 29, 7:30 p.m.: Kurt Rohde will curate a visit by Korean pianist Jihye Chang. The title of the program is Co-Ko, which stands for Contemporary Korea. It is also the title of one of the pieces on the program, composed by Texu Kim about a year ago. Other composers whose music will be included on the program will be Unsuk Chin, Shinuh Lee, Hyo-shin Na, and Jean Ahn. Admission will be $15 for general admission and $10 for C4NM members.

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