Sunday, September 22, 2024

Outsound Presents: October, 2024

This month will follow the usual plan of three performances. That will be two LSG (Luggage Store Gallery) New Music Series events on Wednesday evenings, which will then be followed by the monthly SIMM (Static Illusion Methodical Madness) Series program on a Sunday evening. As regular readers probably know by now, LSG is located at 1007 Market Street, just off the corner of Sixth Street and across from the corner of Golden Gate Avenue and Taylor Street. Admission is on a sliding scale between $10 and $20. The SIMM Series concerts take place at the Musicians Union, located in SoMa at 116 9th Street. Admission is again on a sliding scale, this time between $10 and $25. Program specifics are as follows:

Wednesday, October 2, 8 p.m.: This will be an evening of two sets, each about an hour in duration. The first of these will be the Infinite Monkeys (How many readers appreciate that reference these days?) trio, whose members are Jaroba on bass clarinet, saxophonist Steve Munger, and Paul Winstanley on bass. The second will be the Warm Spell quintet, whose members are: Tammy Fortin (guitar), Marina Lazzara (drums and vocals), J. Lee (Farfisa modular synthesizer), Richard Marriott (flute, trombone, and conch), Kevin Van Yserloo (violin with electronics).

Wednesday, October 16, 8 p.m.: This program has not yet been finalized; but one of the sets will be taken by Michael P. Dawson, whose Hurtleturtled Out of Heaven album was dedicated to Pauline Oliveros, who had introduced him to synthesizer technology.

Cover design for Beep Beep, Liam’s debut EP album (from its Bandcamp Web page)

Sunday, October 20, 7:30 p.m.: The first set will be taken by Liam Rea Donaldson, who performs as Beep Beep, Liam. The second set will be a decidedly non-standard string trio. There will be two guitarists, Jas Stade and Donaldson, the latter also contributing vocals. They will be joined by Emmalee Kao Johnston on bass.

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