Friday, January 26, 2007

Chutzpah on Schedule

Last week I speculated on whether or not I had chosen the right granularity in my article title "Chutzpah of the Week Award." I had also wonder whether the news from Myanmar that I reported would set the bar too high for any future awards. Leave it to the government of North Korea to come to my rescue (as reported by Al Jazeera English):

North Korea has lashed out at the South Korean government for what it calls the "fascist action" of blocking public access to websites sympathetic to the North.

Furthermore, their "official" newspaper demonstrated that this is a government (like so many other governments) with absolutely no sense of irony:

"This is a fascist action against democracy and human rights as it infringes upon the South Koreans' freedom of speech and deprives them of even their right to enjoy the civilisation offered by the IT age," the North's official Rodong Sinmun newspaper said in a commentary on Friday.

Silly me to think that, in this day and age, chutzpah would be in short supply!

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