Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Pomeroy Center Announces Lively Arts Series

Latin violinist Carlos Reyes (from the Pomeroy LIVE! home page)

At the beginning of this year, I wrote about a concert being held at the Pomeroy Recreation & Rehabilitation Center as part of a series of programs called Pomeroy LIVE! The Center’s mission is to provide recreational, vocational, and educational opportunities for people with disabilities through programs and services that encourage self-expression, promote personal achievement, and lead to greater independence. However, the concert series was conceived to serve not only those benefitting from the Center’s services but also the community at large. Unfortunately, the concert I previewed this past January seems to have been the last Pomeroy LIVE! offering for the 2018–2019 season.

As a result, I never received any follow-up information until this past Sunday, when I found an announcement of the 2019–2020 season in my Inbox. Three of the four events will be concert performances. All of them will take place on Friday evenings, beginning at 7:30 p.m. (There is not subscription rate for the full series.) Program details have not yet been specified. However, the featured artists will be as follows:

September 6: Violinist Carlos Reyes will present an evening of Latin jazz with a bit of rock to spice up the repertoire; he will lead a combo whose other members have not yet been announced.

March 6: Banjo player Ted Kuster will present what he is calling a “Good ol’ fashioned bluegrass n boogie” program; he will also lead a combo whose other members have not yet been announced.

May 15 [updated 10/20, 9:15 a.m.: The date for this performance has been changed to May 22. There will be a golf tournament on May 15. The hyperlink for information is the same, and the date as been updated on that Web page]: This will be the one classical offering of the season. It will present an ensemble likely to be familiar to many readers, the Nomad Session wind octet. The members are Christy Kim (flute), Jesse Barrett (oboe), Jon Szin (clarinet), Kris King (bassoon), Ian Cochran (trumpet), Stephanie Stroud (horn), Matt Carr (trombone), and Jonathan Seiberlich (tuba), several of whom are also involved in preparing the arrangements of the works being performed. (Nomad Session has commissioned several composers, but very little of the rest of its repertoire was explicitly composed for wind octet.) As of this writing the group has arrangements that range from Gustav Holst’s Opus 32 suite The Planets on the classical side to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” on the pop side.

The Pomeroy Center is located in the Outer Sunset (about as “outer” as you can get). The street address is 207 Skyline Boulevard; but the entrance is on Herbst Road (which is the first possible right turn after Skyline branches off of Sloat Boulevard). Admission is free for all those with disabilities. Tickets for others are $15 for Carlos Reyes and $10 for the other two concerts. Those who purchase a Cafe Table for four will benefit from one drink (presumably one for each of the four people at the table) and a “bowl of crunchy snacks.” Prices will be $80 for Carlos Reyes and $60 for the other two concerts. In addition, the Reyes concert will include a special “VIP Meet & Greet” offering for $250. Tickets may be purchased online through certified secure Web pages maintained by giv. The hyperlinks to those Web pages have been attached to the dates listed above for the individual concerts.

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