Friday, March 4, 2022

Pavel Haas Quartet to Return to SFP

Pavel Haas Quartet members Peter Jarůšek, Veronika Jarůšková, Marek Zwiebel, and Luosha Fang (from the SFP event page for this concert)

Two weeks from this evening, the Pavel Haas Quartet will return to San Francisco Performances (SFP). They had originally been scheduled to visit in March of 2020, joined by pianist Boris Giltburg as guest artist. Sadly, pandemic conditions necessitated the cancellation of that appearance. Two years later they will resume their regular visits to SFP with a program of three string quartets. That means there will be no “guest appearance;” but the occasion will mark the first visit to San Francisco by the quartet’s new violist, Luosha Fang, who won the Tokyo International Viola Competition in 2019. She will be joined by the other members of the quartet, violinists Veronika Jarůšková and Marek Zwiebel and cellist Peter Jarůšek.

The quartet is named after a Czech composer that was one of the victims of the Holocaust. Their “Czech foundation” will be recognized with one of that period’s survivors. Bohuslav Martinů lived through World War II because he emigrated to the United States in 1941. He established himself as a teacher, whose students included not only Alan Hovhaness and Chou Wen-chung but also Burt Bacharach.

Martinů will be represented on the program by his seventh (and final) string quartet, given the title “Concerto da camera” (chamber concerto). This was composed while he was living in New York in 1947. The performance of this quartet will be flanked by two quartet’s from opposite ends of the First Viennese School. The program will begin with Joseph Haydn’s Hoboken III/75 in G major, the first of his six Opus 76 quartets. The second half of the program will be devoted entirely to Franz Schubert’s final quartet, D. 887 in G major.

This performance will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 18.  It will take place in Herbst Theatre, which is located on the first two floors of the Veterans Building at 401 Van Ness Avenue, convenient to public transportation on both Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street. Ticket prices will be $70 for premium seating on the Orchestra level and in the front of the Dress Circle, $55 for the Boxes, the remainder of the Orchestra, and the remainder of the center Dress Circle, and $45 for the Balcony and the remainder of the Dress Circle. Tickets may be purchased in advance online through an SFP event page. Conditions according to the Health and Safety Factsheet, which was updated on February 15, still prevail.

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