Saturday, May 18, 2024

Chanticleer to Conclude Season with Machaut

The Chanticleer vocalists (photograph by Stephen K. Mack, from a Chanticleer Web page)

Most readers probably know by now that Chanticleer will conclude its season with a program organized around a performance of the Messe de Nostre Dame of Guillaume de Machaut. This is one of the first multi-movement large-scale notated compositions in the Western canon. Chanticleer decided that it was important enough to merit a “preview event,” which took place as a Salon Series event almost exactly two months ago. The significance of this paragon of sacred music will be balanced by an assortment of secular songs of minstrels and bards from the Middle Ages.

The San Francisco performance of this program will take place on Friday, June 7, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Grace Cathedral Quire, located at the top of Nob Hill at 1100 California Street. Ticket prices will be $63 for Premiere seating, $53 for Preferred seating, and $20 for limited view General Admission seating in the rear. All tickets are being sold online by City Box Office. They can also be purchased by calling City Box Office at 415-392-4400.

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