Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Dred Scott Trio to Begin June at Chez Hanny

Dred Scott at the piano performing in Midtown Manhattan with Matt Pavolka (bass) and Diego Voglino (drums) (from their YouTube video)

Next month at Chez Hanny will begin with a program entitled Dred at 60. “Dred” is jazz pianist Dred Scott (not to be confused with the litigant of the 1857 Supreme Court decision), who was a major figure in the San Francisco jazz scene before moving to New York. He will lead a trio whose other members are significant San Francisco jazz performers: John Wiitala on bass and drummer Eric Garland. Scott has described his program as follows: “I’ll be playing songs, tunes and compositions that have inspired me over the course of my career, played by musicians and composers I have admired an emulated.” The musicians he has in mind include Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, and Keith Jarrett.

As usual, the show will begin at Chez Hanny at 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 2. As always, the venue will be Hanny’s house at 1300 Silver Avenue, with the performance taking place in the downstairs rumpus room. Those planning to attend should think about having cash for a preferred donation of $25. All of that money will go to the musicians. There will be two sets separated by a potluck break. As a result, all who plan to attend are encouraged to bring food and/or drink to share. Seating is first come, first served; and the doors will open at 3:30 p.m. Reservations are preferred and may be made by sending electronic mail to jazz@chezhanny.com.

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