Friday, May 10, 2024

Omni to Release a World Premiere Video

The current “title page” for the YouTube video being discussed

In a little over two week’s time, the Omni Foundation for the Performing Arts will release its latest OMNI on-Location video. This release will be particularly important, however, because it will be a world premiere performance. “Toccata” is a recently composed work by Leo Brouwer, one of the movements of his “Sonata Elegíaca,” which he scored for two guitars. The performers on the video recording of this premiere occasion are Giovanni Masi and Lucio Matarazzo; and the video will capture the entirety of its performance, which took place in the Palazzo Filangieri, located in the municipality of San Potito Sannitico in Italy. (For those that do not know their Italian geography, this town is located inland to the north of Naples.) The above hyperlink will lead to the YouTube Web page for the video, and it will be available for viewing any time after 10 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, May 19.

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