Monday, May 27, 2024

The Bleeding Edge: 5/27/2024

Readers that visit this site regularly probably know that, at the beginning of each week, I make a comment about the balance between new and previously reported events in my weekly Bleeding Edge article. This week it turns out that there are only two new events, while four events have already been reported:

  1. The Lab will present a performance by the Natural Information Society on Wednesday.
  2. The San Francisco Contemporary Music Players will conclude its 2023–24 season with a program entitled RE:voicing 2: Worlds Apart on Thursday.
  3. Audium will present two more performances of The Depths on Friday and Saturday.
  4. Blaise Bryski will play the piano music of Mark Winges at the first Old First Concerts program of next month on Sunday.

The two new events for this week are as follows:

Friday, May 31, 7 p.m., Medicine for Nightmares: For this week’s installment of Other Dimensions in Sound, reed player David Boyce will host the Social Stutter Saxophone Quartet. The members of this group will probably be familiar to most readers: Phillip Greenlief, Beth Schenk, Kasey Knudsen, and Cory Wright. (I would be surprised if Boyce were not to join in with this group for a grand finale!) The venue is located in the Mission at 3036 24th Street, between Treat Avenue and Harrison Street. As always, there is no charge for admission, presumably to encourage visitors to consider buying a book.

Saturday, June 1, 1 p.m., Koret Auditorium: The main building of the San Francisco Public Library will host a two-set afternoon of Bleeding Edge performers. Each set will be slightly less than an hour, meaning that the second set will begin close to 2 p.m. The first set will be taken by a musical collective called Surplus 1980. It is led by percussionist Moe! Staiano, a veteran of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Recordings of this group have involved sharing tracks over the Internet, so it is unclear whether or not any performers will be joining Staiano for this set. The second set will be taken by Dizzy Twin, whose founding members are vocalist Mia d’Bruzzi and Paul Simmons on guitar. Since its founding, the group has grown to a quintet, whose other members are guitarist Roger Rocha, Tim Perdue on bass, and drummer Michael Tornatore. For those unfamiliar with the venue, it is located at 100 Larkin Street, across an extended park with City Hall at the other end.

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