Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Bleeding Edge: 7/10/2024

Yes, this article has been released later than usual. Basically, this is a quiet week on the Bleeding Edge. There are only two events to report, both of which are new. The earlier of those events will be preceded by two other events, today and on Friday afternoon, respectively; so, as a result, the Bleeding Edge was “pushed down the queue” for two days. That said, the two events to report are as follows:

Friday, July 12,  7 p.m., Medicine for Nightmares: Once again, Other Dimensions in Sound, curated by reed player David Boyce, will present a two-set evening. The first set be a duo performance by Matias E.A. and Sarah Grace Graves. They will be followed by the Gem Alchemy trio, whose members are Paul Sakai, Leni Kreienberg, and Nathan Chamberlain. Once again, the venue is located in the Mission at 3036 24th Street, between Treat Avenue and Harrison Street. As always, there is no charge for admission, presumably to encourage visitors to consider buying a book.

Cheryl E. Leonard collecting sounds for Polar Resoundings (from her BayImproviser event page)

Saturday, July 13, 3 p.m., San Francisco Public Library, Golden Gate Valley Branch: Cheryl E. Leonard will present a program entitled Polar Resoundings. The “instruments” for her performance will be penguin bones, rocks, shells, driftwood, and kelp. These will be played in an auditory context of field recordings made in both Antarctica and the Arctic. The venue is located at 1801 Green Street, between Laguna Street and Octavia Street. As usual, there will be no charge for admission.

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