Saturday, August 10, 2024

SFS: 2024 All San Francisco Concert

This past March, when San Francisco Symphony (SFS) released its first announcement of plans for the 2024–25 season, I promised readers, “Specifics for the All San Francisco Concert will be announced later this year.” “Later” turned out to be this past Thursday. For those unfamiliar with the event, it was launched by SFS about 45 years ago to celebrate those “who work tirelessly to make the Bay Area a more just and equitable place.” Tickets are sold for the event at the subsidized price of $12 for Bay Area nonprofit, social services, and grassroots organizations.

As of this coming Thursday, a limited number of these tickets will be available to the general public at that same $12 price. On that date, this event will be added to the Calendar Web site for SFS; and tickets may be purchased online through that site. They will also be sold at the Davies Symphony Hall Box Office at 201 Van Ness Avenue, on the southwest corner of Grove Street. Purchases may also be made by calling 415-864-6000. The performance will take place in Davies at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 12.

Harpist Katherine Siochi performing at the 11th USA International Harp Competition at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, 2019 (photograph by James Brosher, from the Gallery on her Web site)

As tends to be the case, the program will tend to favor familiar offerings. The earliest work on the program will be the first of the suites that Edvard Grieg compiled from the incidental music he composed for the Henrik Ibsen’s play Peer Gynt. This will follow another suite, which will open the program, Jean Sibelius’ Opus 11 three-movement Karelia Suite. The second half of the program will shift from Scandinavia to France. It will conclude with yet another suite: the second of two extracted from the “choreographic symphony” that Maurice Ravel composed for Michel Fokine, “Daphnis et Chloé.” This will be preceded by the “Dances for Harp and String Orchestra” by Claude Debussy. SFS Principal Harp Katherine Siochi will make her SFS solo debut with this performance. Music Director Esa-Pekka Salonen will conduct.

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