Monday, September 2, 2024

The Bleeding Edge: 9/2/2024

The new concert season begins this month; but that beginning is, as usual, a gradual one. Furthermore, in Davies Symphony Hall, it will be a somewhat eccentric one. Prior to the Opening Night Gala on Wednesday, September 25, there will be three (“Count them!,” as P. T. Barnum would have said) performance events, all evening performances at 7:30 p.m.:

  1. Thursday, September 12: The annual All San Francisco Concert, which usually takes place the night after the Gala will precede it by almost two weeks.
  2. Saturday, September 14: Vocalist Cynthia Erivo will give a one-night performance.
  3. Thursday, September 19, Friday September 20, and Saturday, September 21: Esa-Pekka Salonen will lead three performances of Giuseppe Verdi’s setting of the Requiem Mass text.

As far as this week is concerned, only one event has been reported (which was announced on this site yesterday): the Outsound Presents performance of the first LSG (Luggage Store Gallery) New Music Series event of the month, which will take place this coming Wednesday (September 4). This will be followed by three events at three different venues, the first of which will be given three performances. (Good things come in threes!) Specifics are as follows:

Thursday, September 5, Friday, September 6, and Saturday, September 7, Audium, 8 p.m.: The next multichannel sound composition to make use of the 176 loudspeakers at Audium was created jointly by Sally Decker and Brendan Glasson. The title of this full-evening work in ouroboros, the word the depicts a snake eating its own tail. This image will guide the unfolding of the performance through acoustic feedback.

Audium is located at 1616 Bush Street. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m. ouroboros will be given thirteen performances, running through Saturday, October 5. City Box Office has created a Web page for purchasing tickets for all thirteen of the performances. General admission (including the option for wheelchair accessibility) will be (taking the processing fee into account) $28 with a $22.75 rate for students. A limited number of pay-what-you-can tickets will also be available.

Friday, September 6, Medicine for Nightmares, 7 p.m.: Once again reed player David Boyce will host his semi-regular Friday evening series entitled Other Dimensions in Sound. This week the performance will be by The 3 Elements, which, presumably will be a trio; but no further information has been provided. As always, the venue is located in the Mission at 3036 24th Street, between Treat Avenue and Harrison Street. There is no charge for admission, presumably to encourage visitors to consider buying a book.

Trumpeter Darren Johnson playing for the Hyde Park Jazz Festival (photograph by Julie Caine, from his Festival Web page)

Saturday, September 7, Bird & Beckett Books and Records, 7:30 p.m.: Fortunately, this venue is a bit more forthcoming with specifics. Trumpeter Darren Johnson, who also ventures into vocals, will lead his Free Fall Quartet, whose other members are Dillon Vado on vibraphone, bassist Joshua Thurston-Milgrom, and Jaimeo Brown on drums. As might expected, he will present an assortment of his originals; but he will also include Thelonious Monk, Duke Ellington, and Ornette Coleman in his repertoire.

As regular readers probably know by now, Bird & Beckett is located at 653 Chenery Street, a short walk from the Glen Park station that serves both BART and Muni. Admission will be the usual $20 cover charge, payable by Venmo or in cash. Teens and students will be admitted for between $5 and $10, and anyone younger allowed late at night will be admitted for free. Given the limited space of the venue, reservations are necessary and can be made by calling 415-586-3733. The phone will be answered during regular store hours, which are between noon and 6 p.m. on Tuesday through Sunday.

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