Monday, January 20, 2025

The Bleeding Edge: 1/20/2025

After last week’s relative quietude, this coming week will be a seriously busy one. It will even include a new performance venue. The only events already reported on this site will be those taking place this week at The Lab on Tuesday and Saturday. Almost all of the remaining performances will be “usual suspects” events with one exception, which will take place on Saturday. Specifics are as follows:

Tuesday, January 21, Make-Out Room, 7 p.m.: Jazz at the Make-Out Room will begin the year with a program of three sets, each consisting roughly of 45 minutes in duration. The opening set will be by the quartet Intangible, featuring vocals by Ken Ueno. He will be accompanied by rhythm provided by Jeff Schwartz on bass and percussionist Tim Feeney. The remaining member of the quartet will be visiting from Los Angeles. Gamin will perform on two Korean instruments, piri and saenghwang. The second set will be a solo account of experimental and free jazz by Nestor. The program will then conclude with the Revenant quartet. Tom Djill will bring his electronics into conversation with keyboard work by Rei Scampavia, Karl Evangelista on guitar, and percussionist Kevin Corcoran.

Friday, January 24, Medicine for Nightmares, 7 p.m.: As usual, reed player David Boyce will host the weekly Other Dimensions in Sound series. This week the “sonic sustenance and musical medicina” will be provided by a solo gig performed by drummer Jordan Glenn. The venue is located in the Mission at 3036 24th Street, between Treat Avenue and Harrison Street. As always, there is no charge for admission, presumably to encourage visitors to consider buying a book.

Friday, January 24, Bird & Beckett Books and Records, 8:30 p.m.: This will also be a solo performance. Gustavo Lorenzatti has prepared a program entitled Double Bass Dreams. He plays both bass and cello. He explores a diversity of performance techniques, including bowing, pizzicato, percussion, and his own voice to add to a uniquely layered sound.

Saturday, January 25, SFJAZZ Center, 7 p.m.: This will be the performance of ROOT PROGRESSIONS, previously announced on this site’s Web page for this month’s SFJAZZ performances.

Saturday, January 25, Center for New Music, 7:30 p.m.: This will be the performance of Midnight Serenades: Music by Women and Nonbinary Composers, another previously announced event.

Mat Muntz with his bass (F. Moretti Photography)

Saturday, January 25, Blue Heron Boathouse, 7:30 p.m.: This will be the one departure from the “usual suspects.” The boathouse is located in Golden Gate Park on Stow Lake. It is best approached from Fulton Street. It will provide the venue for a trio performance by saxophonist Dan White, Mat Muntz on bass (and possibly bagpipes), and percussionist Scott Amendola.

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