Thursday, January 2, 2025

Vox Humana SF Updates Plans for Next Month

Poster design for Vox Humana SF’s Voyages program (currently shown on the Vox Humana SF home page)

Readers may recall that, when the Vox Humana SF a cappella choir, led by its Artistic Director Don Scott Carpenter, announced its second season this past August, I was able to relate the program details for the second of the two concerts of the season. That performance, entitled Voyages, will take place in a little over a month’s time. However, I learned yesterday that there would be a change in the February program; and it seems to be appropriate to account for that change sooner rather than later.

Works that had been previously announced and will remain on the program include “God’s World” by José Daniel Vargas, which will be a world premiere performance. Other recent compositions that are still on the program will be by Joan Tower (“Descending”), Jake Heggie (“Stop this Day and Night With Me”), and Jacob Mühlrad (“Ay Li Lu”). The earlier works on the program will still be Fest- und Gedenksprüche, Johannes Brahms’ Opus 109 cycle of three motets for mixed double choir, and one of Gustav Mahler’s settings of a poem by Friedrich Rückert, “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen’.” As of this writing, further details involve only contributing composers, rather than specific works. Those composers are (in alphabetical, rather than chronological, order) Eleanor Alberga, John Corigliano, and Eric Whitacre.

The San Francisco performance of Voyages will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 15. The venue will be St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. Most readers probably know by now that the address of the church is 1111 O’Farrell Street, one block west of the corner of Franklin Street. Ticket prices range from $30 to $71. City Box Office has created a Web page, which includes a floor plan for selecting seats as well as a hyperlink for “Quick Pick Tickets.”

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