Monday, February 19, 2018

The Bleeding Edge: 2/19/2018

Readers may have noticed that The Bleeding Edge did not “go to press” last Monday. Last week happened to be one of those cases in which all events likely to appeal to the adventurous had already been reported. As a result, I decided that, rather than just prepare a list of reminders, I would catch up on preparing previews for other concerts worth of attention in the more distant future.

This week there appears to be pretty much an equal balance between reminders and announcements of new events. Nevertheless, the overall list is a relatively sparse one. Whether this is a side effect of everything coming to a halt to make time to watch Olympic competitions on television is left for the reader to decide. In any case here are three items definitely worth of reminders:
  1. February 20: The performance of Philip Glass’ “Music with Changing Parts” as a belated recognition of his 80th birthday.
  2. February 22: This week’s installment in the LSG (Luggage Store Gallery) Creative Music Series.
  3. February 24: The performance of “Atlas” by Tawil & Khoury.
Specifics for previously unannounced events are as follows:

Tuesday, February 20, 7:30 p.m., Canessa Gallery: This will be the February offering in the Composers in Performance Series curated by the Meridian Gallery. The program will be a three-set evening. The order of the sets is not particularly clear from the advance work, but it appears that things will begin with skratchklang, which is the result of a new collaboration that brings violinist and composer Thea Farhadian together with visual artist Heike Liss. They will be followed by the more geographically dispersed jazz duo consisting of saxophonist Jack Wright, based in Easton, Pennsylvania, and bassist Evan Lipson, based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The program will conclude with an all-electronic set by Silvia Matheus. The Canessa Gallery is located at 708 Montgomery Street, right on the “border” between the Financial District and North Beach. Admission is between $5 and $20, payable at the door and/or collected between sets.

Tuesday, February 20, 9 p.m., Darger Bar: Weird Ear Records will be hosting what appears to be a showcase concert of two of the groups they record. The more familiar group name that has shown up on this site in the past is Angst Hase Pfeffer Nase, whose name is the juxtaposition of four German nouns that translate, respectively, as “fear,” “bunny,” “pepper,” and “nose.” The group is an Oakland-based duo in which guitarist Chris Cooper plays against a variety of electronic creations by Jess Goddard. The other set also involves electronic transformation of guitar performances. However, this one is the one-man project of Stephen Abbate, which he calls Windowpain Industries.

The Darger Bar is located in NEMIZ (NorthEast Mission Industrial Zone) at 2700 16th Street, right at the corner where Treat Avenue converges with Harrison Street. Those unfamiliar with the name will miss out on its connotations of “realms of the unreal” (as Jessica Yu put it in the film she made about Henry Darger). There does not seem to be any mention of a cover charge, so it is likely that donations will be both requested and appreciated.

Wednesday, February 21, 8 p.m., Peacock Lounge: This will be the February installment of the monthly four-set program of ventures into the weird. There will be solo sets by Thomas Dimuzio, Deletist, and Sarah Lockhart and a duo performance by Zachary James Watkins and Ross Peacock. The Peacock Lounge is located in the Lower Haight at 552 Haight Street. Admission for all will be $5.

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