Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Annual Making-Things-Worse Summit

Those taking the trouble to read the secondary headline for this site may have noticed that its original objective was “to exercise ideas before writing about them with greater discipline.” In its early days this site “rehearsed” a variety of salvos in the month of January directed at the annual World Economic Form in Davos and all those sailing under its flag. Fortunately, it did not take long for me to realize that exercising ideas about music gave me (for the most part) a more positive outlook; and the discipline seems to have emerged in how I write these articles, rather than redirecting my writing to either published articles or book projects.

Nevertheless, every January I still find the haunting of Davos to be far more chilling than the ghost of Jacob Marley. The 2017 forum even sent me back to writing about the affair, since, for many of us, the motto for the New Year was “Good riddance, 2016!” As we enter a new decade, it is clear that the last one deserves the same good-riddance message; and, sure enough, January life at Davos continues to go on with its usual oblivion to the harsh realities of the rest of the world. However, rather than letting this rant go any further, this year I shall turn this particular pulpit over to an analysis article on the Al Jazeera Web site written by Jenny Ricks:

Others may continue to be proud of their ignorance. Those who are not may gain some satisfaction in reading this article. Perhaps there will even be a few willing to follow up on its recommendations.

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