Thursday, November 16, 2023

Outsound Presents: December, 2023

Where Outsound Presents is concerned for the final month of the year, programming will return to the familiar three-concert format:  two LSG (Luggage Store Gallery) New Music Series events taking place on Wednesday evenings and a SIMM (Static Illusion Methodical Madness) Series program on a Sunday evening as follows:

Wednesday, December 6, 8 p.m., LSG: This will be a two-set program beginning with electronic music improvised by Dave DiFlippo. His improvisations are structured by the interplay of chaotic determinacy and spontaneous order. The title of the second set, which will begin at 9 p. m., will be “Eric Theise Map Projection John Davis.” This suggests that images of map projections will be given musical interpretation by both Theise and Davis, regardless of whether they are in agreement or opposition.

LSG is located at 1007 Market Street, just off the corner of Sixth Street and across from the corner of Golden Gate Avenue and Taylor Street. Admission is on a sliding scale between $10 and $20. However, no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Sunday, December 10, 7:30 p.m., Musicians Union Hall: Lori Varga, Doug Lynner, and Matt Robidoux will collaborate in a single all-evening program entitled Very unusual oscillations. What they will do and how they will do it have not yet been disclosed. The Musicians Union Hall is located at 116 9th Street, near the corner of Mission Street. General admission will be $20 with a $15 rate for students and those age 62 or older. Tickets may be purchased at the door.

Wednesday, December 20, 8 p.m., LSG: Outsound Presents will wrap up the year with a two-set program. The first set will be taken by the East Bay Ensemble, whose members are Ed Lloyd on bass violin, Ross Hoyte on electric guitar, Eli Mcdonald on drums, and Bull Fahe playing a variety of electronic instruments. Those instruments include the theremin, an electronic keyboard, and a ROLI Seaboard, which is a musical keyboard-style MIDI controller. (ROLI is the name of the manufacturer.) The second (and final) set will be by sound artist Bryan Day, who designs his own electronic instruments.

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