Monday, July 22, 2024

The Bleeding Edge: 7/22/2024

This will be a very quiet week in San Francisco, due, at least in some part, to the abundance of activities taking place on the other side of the Bay Bridge. There will be no previously reported events and only two new ones, the first of which is the only “usual suspect.” Furthermore, neither of these events will take place until the weekend. Specifics are as follows:

Friday, July 26, 7 p.m., Medicine for Nightmares: This week’s Other Dimensions in Sound offering, curated by reed player David Boyce, has not been announced with very much background. The performers will be the members of The Living Room, which is, presumably, the combo that has its own self-titled album available through a Bandcamp Web page. If this is off the mark, then I am the one to blame! In any event, the venue is located in the Mission at 3036 24th Street, between Treat Avenue and Harrison Street. As always, there is no charge for admission, presumably to encourage visitors to consider buying a book.

Sunday, July 28, 8 p.m., Dead End Vintage: This will be another “Mini Fest,” taking place this time after the Brutal Sound Effects Festival. There will be five sets. Commode Minstrels in Bullface will hold a DVD release party for Demonion Abyss Broadcast. Tom Djll will do a solo set with his electronic gear (as shown above). He will be followed by Connor Tomaka. The remaining sets will be taken by “Tarantula Princess vs Holographic TC Static (SAC)” and Doom Legs. The entire program is expected to conclude by 9:50 p.m. Admission will be $5. The store is located at 3370 19th Street, between Mission Street and Capp Street.

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