Sunday, December 1, 2024

TLES to Perform with Storyteller Breedlove

The next program to be presented by The Living Earth Show (TLES), the duo of guitarist Travis Andrews and drummer Andy Meyerson, will add storytelling to their usual mix of acoustic punk and folk. They will perform with Lynnee Breedlove, one of the most influential living storytellers. His solo stage performance, One Freak Show, provided a platform for queer stories of love, grief, joy, and growth.

Trust Me vocalist Lynnee Breedlove (from the Eventbrite Web page for his performance at Roar Shack)

Breedlove’s father and stepmother were brutally murdered in their home by his stepbrother. His response to this unfathomable tragedy was to record his reaction in a studio with Living Earth in August of 2024. The resulting songs and stories will now be brought to performance before an audience. The trio will perform under the name Trust Me.

That performance will take place at the Roar Shack, which, as readers may recall, is now the “home base” for TLES. It will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 19, with doors opening at 6:40 p.m. Admission will be on a “Pay What You Can” basis within the “window” between $1 and $100. Eventbrite has created a Web page through which these payments can take place. For those that do not recall, the venue is located in the heart of the Mid-Market district at 34 Seventh Street.

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