Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Omni Releasing Videos of Flute-Guitar Suite

Exactly one week ago, this site released its first article on videos being gradually released of the performance of Takashi Yoshimatsu’s Opus 15, his Digital Bird Suite. The suite consists of five movements scored for flute and piano, with the middle one performed as a flute solo. As of this writing, only the first three of the movements have been released on YouTube, with the last two currently identified as “upcoming.” The performers on these videos are Dejan Gavrić on flute and guitarist Goran Kriovokapić.

Dejan Gavrić giving his solo performance of the “Twitter Machine” movement from Takashi Yoshimatsu’s Digital Bird Suite

Because these videos are being released one at a time, it is too soon to approach this suite in its entirety. Nevertheless, there are any number of engaging give-and-take passages in the first two movements entitled “Birdophobia” and “A Bird in the Twilight.” (As might be expected, those two movements play contrasting dispositions against each other.) However, the third movement, “Twitter Machine,” is the “keystone” of the composition; and it was released yesterday. This is a solo performance by Gavrić, allowing the bird to sing “a cappella.” Whether or not it was inspired by the Twittering Machine painting by Paul Klee will be left as an exercise for the reader! The remaining videos will be released this Friday and Tuesday.

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