Monday, June 17, 2024

A Pair of Adventurous Percussion Performances

Tyshawn Sorey, Sae Hashimoto, Levy Lorenzo, Russell Greenberg, and Adam Rudolph (photograph by Todd Weinstein)

Archaisms is the title of two albums of percussion-only performances presented by Adam Rudolph and Tyshawn Sorey. Both albums are currently available in both physical and digital form through separate Bandcamp Web pages. The first album consists of two duo tracks, entitled simply “Archaism A” and “Archaism B.” On the second album they are joined by Sae Hashimoto, Russel Greenberg, and Levy Lorenzo. This time the tracks are entitled “Archaisms Γ” and “Archaisms Δ.” (I am pleasantly reminded of the film Hot Shots! Part Deux!)

Both albums capture performances that took place in New York. The duo performance took place at the Zürcher Gallery on December 16, 2021. The larger ensemble performance was at Roulette Intermedium on February 9, 2023. While the duo probably involved give-and-take improvisation between the performers, the quintet involved (according to the Bandcamp Web page) a “unique approach to conducted improvisation.” Whether or not that approach was in any way connected to Butch Morris’ conduction is left as an exercise for the reader!

Many readers probably know by now that, where jazz is concerned, my “comfort zone” resides in the more adventurous efforts that I have encountered in the forties, fifties, and sixties. Blue Note was my “school” during those decades; and, where the “new century” is concerned, I tend to find myself skeptical, rather than engaged. Nevertheless, there are a couple of venues within reach of where I live to satisfy me with an engaging performance every now and then.

In that context I would say that both of these albums appeal more to my intellectual interests in abstraction than for any “deep dives” into the listening experience. Nevertheless, this is music that piqued my attention. Furthermore, I was glad to see that Bandcamp created a “bundle” Web page to provide both albums in a single package. Since the prices on that Web page are given in Euros, I am not sure how long delivery would take for the physical version; but the digital download definitely accounts for all four of the tracks that can be found across the two albums.

I suppose my primary reaction to these releases is, “What next?”; and I am willing to keep on the lookout for an answer!

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