Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Kulikova’s Third Omni Video in Los Angeles

This morning the Omni Foundation for the Performing Arts released its third video to be produced in association with The Romero Sessions presenting solo performances by guitarist Irina Kulikova. Once again, the performance was filmed at Pepe Romero’s The Guitar Shop in Los Angeles, where Kulikova played one of his instruments (Guitar No. 259). The selection was, as they say, “short and sweet,” lasting less than three minutes.

Irina Kulikova playing Tárrega’s “Lágrima” (screenshot from the Omni Foundation YouTube video)

The composer was Francisco Tárrega, who is probably known to anyone familiar with the guitar repertoire. The title of the composition was “Lágrima,” which followed the usual ternary form consisting of the second theme both preceded by and followed by the first theme. (This is also known as “ABA” form for the obvious reason!) As the performance progressed, I was drawn to the sights of the bodies of “guitars in progress,” as well as piles of slabs of wood destined for future guitars! The creation of a quality guitar clearly demands patience unto an extreme, and it was easy to imagine the serenity of Tárrega’s music gently encouraging that patience.

The music may have been brief; but, in the setting of Romero’s workshop, it left (at least for me) an enduring memory.

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