Painting by Christian Richter of the Weimar Schlosskirche where BWV 182 was probably first performed (from the Wikipedia page for this cantata)
Next month will begin with the conclusion of American Bach’s 36th season. The title of the program will be Bach’s Paradise, meaning that all four of the works on the program will be by Johann Sebastian Bach. The first three will reflect the composer’s “day job” of preparing music for religious services. These will be three cantatas composed during difference periods in his career:
- BWV 4: Christ lag in Todes Banden (Christ lay in death’s bonds)
- BWV 106: Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (God’s time is the very best time)
- BWV 182: Himmelskönig, sei willkommen (King of Heaven, welcome)
The program will then conclude with BWV 1051, the sixth of the “Brandenburg” concertos. A “fun fact” is that this sixth concerto was also composed on six staves, two for viola da braccio (an early form of the contemporary viola), two for the viola da gamba (held between the legs), and one each for cello and continuo shared by violone and harpsichord.
The performance will require four male vocalists, each in a different register. In “order of pitch” these will be Elijah McCormack (soprano), Kyle Tingzon (countertenor), Steven Soph (tenor), and David McFerrin (baritone). All three cantatas also require a four-part chorus.
As usual, the performance will take place in St. Mark’s Lutheran Church at 1111 O’Farrell Street, on the southwest corner of Franklin Street, beginning at 4 p.m. on Sunday. April 6.
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