Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Free Summer Concerts Have Returned

Thanks to the pandemic, it has been about two years since I have given any thought to the free Union Square Live concerts that my wife and I used to attend occasionally. More often than not, the music up on stage was only half the story, since there was a swing dancing club that would show up frequently. They clearly enjoyed trying out their steps to live music, and watching them definitely enhanced the listening experience.

It was only this past weekend that I learned that these events had returned two weeks ago, and it took that much time for a press release to circulate (at least in my direction). This being a Wednesday, it is time for this site to get back in the groove. What is important, however, is that the groove has gotten wider, even if the schedule has gotten narrower; and the name of the series of concerts is now SFWednesdays.

The good news is that there are now three venues, not only Union Square but also Embarcadero Plaza and a third venue that will be changing from one week to the next. The bad news is that the events at all three venues are simultaneous, all beginning at 4 p.m. This means that enthusiasts cannot spend the afternoon/evening cruising from one site to another. Also, only the names of the performing groups have been given without any additional information about repertoire. That said, here is the agenda that will run between today and the middle of next month:

July 28
Union Square: Classical Revolution
Embarcadero Plaza: Odissi Vila
Mint Plaza: Yiddish Combo

August 4
Union Square: Valverde Dance
Embarcadero Plaza: Fogo Na Roupa
Mechanics Monument Plaza: Bayonics

August 18
Union Square: American Jubilee Dance
Embarcadero Plaza: Noah and the Arkiteks
TBD: Tory Teasley

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