Thursday, September 12, 2024

Alon Nechushtan at Chez Hanny: an Annual Visit?

In reviewing my archives this afternoon, I discovered that I first wrote about the jazz salon Jazz Chez Hanny in March of 2017. At that time, however, my accounts of the Sunday afternoon jazz gigs in Frank Hanny’s basement were sporadic at best. More consistent efforts did not surface until June of last year; and, now that I receive regular announcements through electronic mail, I am hoping that my attention will be more consistent.

Alon Nechushtan playing “Muppet Shock” at the Cornelia Street Cafe in New York, performing with drummer Howard Owen and Michael Bates on bass (from a YouTube video of the performance)

In that context the new Jazz Chez Hanny season got under way this past Sunday, September 8, with a return visit by the Marina Albero Trio. The second concert of the month is scheduled for a week from this coming Sunday on September 22. This will see the return of pianist and composer Alon Nechushtan, whose last appearance took place almost exactly a year ago. On that occasion he led a quintet, joined by four local musicians. (Nechushtan himself is a New Yorker.)

Only one of those local musicians will join him for his return visit: bassist Matt Montgomery. This time the performance will be by a quartet, with Sheldon Brown, who plays an impressive variety of wind instruments, on the front line. In the rhythm section, Nechushtan and Montgomery will be joined by drummer Grey Wyser-Pratte.

Following the usual plan, the performance will begin at 4 p.m. The venue is Hanny’s house at 1300 Silver Avenue, with the performance taking place in the downstairs rumpus room. Those planning to attend should think about having cash for a donation of $25. All of that money will go to the musicians; and, because Jazz Chez Hanny now has 501(c)(3) public charity status, all donations are tax-deductible.

There will be two sets separated by a potluck break. As a result, all who plan to attend are encouraged to bring food and/or drink to share. Seating is first come, first served; and the doors will open at 3:30 p.m. Reservations are preferred by sending electronic mail to Masks are optional, but attendees should be vaccinated. Vaccination will be based on the honor system. Finally, volunteer efforts for cleaning up after the show and moving furniture to accommodate both players and listeners are always appreciated.

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